Friday, 23 September 2016

Water Filter

I can take action to improve the water cycle in Canterbury

In this project I was working with James and Mel and we decided to create a Water filter

Here is a link what we made.Water filter

In this project we decided that our success criteria were: Produces good water , reusable , Its strong , Its portable

Overall our project met/do not meet this criteria did not clean the water

Friday, 9 September 2016

CARE: My progress so far.

CARE: My progress so far

The CARE award that I am working towards is:  Active Thinking

The one area of CARE that I am doing best in is: Excellence         because: because I have the most ticks on it

The one area of CARE that I need to work harder in is:  Respect            because: I have to respect school property.

To show my leadership qualities I am a role model to others in the CARE values by doing/showing these leadership traits: PALS

On the CARE SOLO matrix below I am at this SOLO level: Multistructural            because: I need reminded sometimes





Extended Abstract
I am not aware of the CARE values yet.
I know what the CARE values mean.

I need help to use them.
I can use the CARE values.

I need reminding to use them.
I can use the CARE values independently.
I can use the CARE values independently.

I can role model to others how to use the CARE values.

Thursday, 1 September 2016

I can apply my knowledge of adverbial clauses

I can apply my knowledge of adverbial clauses and connectives to see how ideas are linked in texts.Screen Shot 2014-10-09 at 11.04.56 am.png

For reading I have been learning about adverbial clauses. I have found this learning hard because i had no idea what it was

In this activity (link to adverbial clause activity), I had to find the adverbial clause.

Water cycle writing.

This is my water cycle information report.The writing is about the water cycle the key stages are evaporation, precipitation, condensation and runoff.Fact evaporation is an invisible process.